National Medical Weight Loss Program
Delivered To You, Anywhere in The U.K.
The National Medical Weight Loss Programme (NMWLP) is licensed for weight management. Here at K8 Aesthetics, we offer consultations for weight related issues so get in touch with us today to find out more.
Program cost from £200
Our weight loss program
K8 Aesthetics' weight management programme, combined with NMWLP, is a sensible way to lose weight and help keep it off.
Can be delivered anywhere in the UK.
The programme involves a simple and painless injection which is administered each week.
This treatment mimics the body’s natural hormone (GLP1) which regulates appetite and food intake. This makes you feel full, thereby curbing your appetite allowing you to break destructive food habits such as emotional eating, evening grazing and reducing your portion size.
Delays stomach emptying, ensuring you feel full for longer.
Who can we treat?
The NMWLP uses a medication specifically for weight management. It is used in conjunction with diet and exercise in adults aged 18 - 75. For people who have a BMI of 30 or above, or a BMI of 27 when there are any other weight-related health issues present (such as high blood pressure, abnormal levels of fats in the blood (lipids) or breathing problems during sleep (obstructive sleep apnoea).
How does it work?
The medication will work as an appetite suppressant. The virtually painless injection is taken daily or weekly. It then makes you feel less hungry, feel fuller quicker and fuller for longer. This should lead to significant weight loss.
*It is recommended that you follow a calorie-controlled diet while taking the medication. The product will not be sold or administered if after a consultation you are not deemed suitable.*